Skincare Routine
hi, This the skincare blog and today I'm going to talk to you about skincare routine I have an extremely dry skin which means that my face can't protect itself against the harsh environmental pollutants so when you have it very dry skin you develop cracks in the outermost layer and which compromises on the hydration so also you have to remember that in dry skin you have to be very vigilant about what kind of a cleanser you would use so in my day care. Let's divide my skincare routine into take care and night care so in the day care routine first thing is the cleanser as I told you I use a very gentle non forming fragrance-free non-irritating cleanser and I always make sure I use cold water to wash my face it's never hot water but what I would strip all the natural oils of my as it is the dry skin. So I never use what on the face even when I'm in the shower I take can able to use hot water after the cleanser is the toner but I skip on the toner after that I apply ...