Everything you want to know about Dark Spots

 Dark spots are also called Hyperpigmentation which is caused due to too long exposure in the sun. It mainly appears in middle age. Dark spots are most likely to appear on the parts of body that comes in most sun exposure, including:


● Face


● Back of hands


● Shoulders


● Arms


● Back

These spots can be of light to dark brown or black in color and are generally of oval shape. 

What causes Dark Spots?:-  

Dark spots are the result of overproduction or the skin pigment and free radical damage. 

● Exposure to UV light: Hyperpigmentation starts to take hold during the middle age, especially if the sunscreen and other sun-protective measures are not used. 

● Hormonal changes: Melasma is a skin condition that leads to small patches of skin discoloration. This condition is more common in women, especially during pregnancy. 

How to remove dark spots:-

The best treatment option may depend on the cause, the size of the dark spot and the area of the body.

● Laser treatment:

One way to treat the dark spots can be laser treatment. The most common laser to treat the dark spots on the skin uses an intense light laser. The light targets and breaks up the dark spot. 

● Chemical peel:

Applying the solution containing chemical peel on the skin, exfoliates the surface, leading to new skin growth. It may gradually fade dark spots on the skin.

● Skin-lightening cream:  

Skin lightening cream works by bleaching the skin. It works gradually and takes several months to light down the dark spots.

● Natural remedies:  

Products containing natural ingredients may help treat dark spots on the skin.

● Cosmetics: 

Although cosmetics do not lighten the dark spots, they might cover them up. People can use cream based concealer to hide the dark spots.

Risk factors:-

Anyone can develop dark spots on the skin. Certain risk factors appear to increase a person's chances including:

● Sun exposure 

● Pregnancy 

● Skin condition such as acne 

● Injury 

● Diabetes,etc


It may not always be possible to prevent dark spots on the skin. For example, hormonal changes during pregnancy that may lead to melasma are not preventable.

There are, however, a few things people can do: 

● Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 everyday. 

● Treat acne, which may lead to inflammation. 

● Avoid sun between 10 a.m and 4 p.m.


  1. Got to know about a lot of things.
    Thank you.

  2. informative article
    thanks for sharing


  3. this is really good article and I got new information about this

  4. Nice and informative... different from other blog.. i liked it

  5. helpful article.
    thanks for sharing this info.

  6. This is really helpful. Thanks for sharing this

  7. Nice and informative article
    thanks for sharing

  8. unique content and also good article about skin concern
    thanks for sharing this article

  9. beneficial information regarding dark spot.

  10. I got good idea by reading this articles, Thanks a lot for sharing with us.

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