How to take care of oily skin


Everyone has oil in their skin. Under each of your pores is a sebaceous gland that produces natural oils called sebum. This helps keep your skin hydrated and healthy. In some people, though, the sebaceous gland can produce too much oil which creates oily skin. Too much sebum can lead to oily skin, clogged pores and acne. 

There are some ways from which a person can reduce the symptoms of oily skin:- 

1.Wash regularly:- 

Washing face regularly can reduce the amount of oil in skin. Choosing the right facial cleanser may work for some people. 

2.Use a toner:- 

Toners that contain alcohol tend to dry out the skin. Toners are most helpful and necessary for people who have oily skin. It keeps the skin hydrated and extra cleanses it. Also toner helps in restoring the skin's pH balance and minimizes oil from the skin. 

3.Use a facial mask:- 

Facial masks also contributes in taking out the excess oil from the skin. 

● Masks, which contains minerals can absorb oils and reduce skin shininess and sebum levels without irritating the skin.

● Mask containing honey can reduce acne and oil from the skin while keeping the skin soft because honey has antibacterial and antiseptic properties

4.Use a moisturizer:- 

While many people with oily skin avoid applying moisturizer for the fear that their skin will look greasier, using the right moisturizer can benefit their skin type. People who have oily skin can use oil-free moisturizer to keep their skin moist and protected, without it feeling greasy. 


The best prevention for oily skin is to find a consistent skin care routine that works and stick to it.


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